San Antonio DWI Third Offense or More Attorney

Proficient DWI Third Offense or More Attorneys in San Antonio, Texas

In Texas, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is taken very seriously and penalties become increasingly severe with each additional DWI offense. It’s classified as a third-degree felony in the state when individuals are convicted of driving under the influence three or more times. If convicted of DWI third or more, consequences can include hefty fines ranging from $2,000 to $10,000, jail time of up to 10 years as well as potential loss of license for up to 2 years. Other sanctions imposed by the legal system may also occur such as required attendance in DWI education classes, community service hours and/or installation of an interlock device on owned vehicles.

A crucial step to take if charged with DWI third or more in Texas is to consult an experienced San Antonio DWI third offense or more attorney. Your lawyer will review your case, advise on your best options and work to minimize penalties whenever possible.


As a ​member of the District Attorney’s Vehicular Crimes Team, in the county with the most roadway fatalities in the State, Brad Thornton was regularly dispatched to the worst types of DWI cases involving serious bodily injury or death. His years of experience and training on the most serious types of intoxication charges allows him to protect your rights! When you are looking for a DWI Lawyer in San Antonio, San Antonio DWI attorney Brad Thornton has the experience you need on your side.
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Chemical Testing for Blood Alcohol Concentration in Texas

Law enforcement agencies in Texas assess impairment levels by measuring the amount of alcohol present in a person’s urine, blood and breath. Chemical tests like analyze these three substances to determine one’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC).

If you are 21 or older and not driving commercially, your BAC must be below .08;

If over 21 with a commercial license, it is 0.04;

For those under age 21 who aren’t operating as professional drivers ,it is 0.02.

Exceeding any of these limits can lead to an impaired driving charge regardless of whether there were visible signs that someone was intoxicated while behind the wheel or not. However, chemical testing isn’t perfect – human errors and improper instrument use may cause incorrect results which could falsely incriminate innocent individuals if they don’t know how to defend themselves against such charges successfully during legal proceedings after arrest.


You may only have 15 days until you Driver’s License is suspended
If you have been arrested for DWI, your license may be in jeopardy. In certain circumstances, you have just 15 days to request an administrative hearing with DPS to save your license. These hearings are highly technical and you need an experience attorney to request a hearing right away and begin the process to save your license.

Schedule a Consultation with the San Antonio DWI Third Offense or More Lawyer

With a third DWI charge, it’s important to take immediate action and seek legal counsel for the best defense plan. Attorney Brad Thornton of Thornton Criminal Defense has over 10 years experience in Texas’ DWI law, giving you confidence that your case will be taken seriously. Call (210) 439-5627 or visit their San Antonio office today to schedule an evaluation surrounding your charges throughout South Texas!

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